L’Alleanza cooperativa internazionale, in occasione dell’ultima giornata della donna, ha diffuso un appello alle cooperative che contiene una forte presa di posizione a sostegno dell’uguaglianza di genere e della partecipazione attiva delle donne nel lavoro.
The ICA President and Chair of the ICA Gender Equality Committee have issued a joint statement calling on ICA member organisations and co-operators to mobilise and play a stronger role to end violence against women and girls. They note that co-operatives can start making a difference by promoting gender equality in their own co-operative structures, as well as taking a leadership in their communities to change attitudes and make political representations. Specifically, co-operatives are called to remove all obstacles that prevent or limit the direct membership and active participation of women in all types of co-operatives. This means seriously reviewing co-operative bye-laws, policies, standing orders and even internal practice to ensure that real opportunities are available to women to improve their socio-economic status and by doing so in turn contribute the success of their co-operatives while empowering themselves. Promoting gender equality will contribute to make violence against women and girls a thing of the past!
Fonte: http://www.ica.coop/al-ica/